Friday, August 17, 2007

# 7 Technology & Energy

There's alot to learn about saving energy, and alot more ways than just one.
Those who are gona be facing home improvements in the future should look into the new technology behind saving energy. The gov. even offers tax credit for those who buy into solar and wind power. Along with those who want new cars there will be a tax credit for those who make under 6figures. We can give and get, but we all need to do something, because doing nothing ensures little for our future. Here are a couple links to check out.
Find out how and what a Tax credit is at


Anonymous said...

you tell em , girl!!! did you you see inconvenient truth, with al gore? it is a must see. everyone needs to get a bit "greener"

Anonymous said...

hey, just another recomendation. thru search ohio get "who killed the electric car" VERY interesting.

Anonymous said...

A woman after me own heart.